Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Oliver: And Bob Dylan, Too.

C.G. Jung: “The life that I could still live, I should live, and the thoughts that I could still think, I should think.”
Bob Dylan: “Anything worth thinking about is worth singing about.”
*     *     *     *     *
And Bob Dylan, Too
(by Mary Oliver)
“Anything worth thinking about is worth
   singing about.”
Which is why we have
songs of praise, songs of love, songs
       of sorrow.
Songs to the gods, who have
      so many names.
Songs the shepherds sing, on the
       lonely mountains, while the sheep
               are honoring the grass, by eating it.
The dance-songs of the bees, to tell
       where the flowers, suddenly, in the
                 morning light, have opened.
A chorus of many, shouting to heaven,
      or at it, or pleading.
Or that greatest of love affairs, a violin
      and a human body.
And a composer, maybe hundreds of years dead.
I think of Schubert, scribbling on a café
                 Thank you, thank you.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Global Warming Fastest Since Dawn of Civilization

The evidence just keeps growing, stronger and stronger. Global warming is real, and worse than we thought. So, when will we accept that the truth is the truth, reality is reality, and decide to objectively and intelligently address the issue, rather than just mindlessly continuing to deny it? I mean, really. How long does ignorance and denial prevail? Until it's too late to save future generations?

Link to article:
Warming fastest since dawn of civilization, study shows