Monday, August 19, 2013

Increased Coastal Flooding May Cost World $1 Trillion/Year by 2050 / A Denier's Declaration

They're talking about a cost of $1 trillion/year for increased coastal flooding in the world by 2050. I repeat, this is just for increased flooding of coastal areas, like New York, Miami and, of course, New Orleans, all up and down our coasts and coasts around the world. It doesn't include the additional costs for increased flooding we're already seeing in our inland areas and those elsewhere in the world.
I know, 2050 is out there 30-some years, but it's going to be increasing for those in-between years, too, as it works its way to something like that $1 trillion. And some experts quoted in the article linked below believe both the assumptions and the $1 trillion are too conservative. More, this is only the latest of several studies and articles I’ve seen on this.
To read the NBC article (8.18.2013) discussing the study, click here, or on the link below:
But, like some of you, I’ve become frustrated at the lack of response by the U.S. public and government—not to mention the deniers. We’ve observed study after study, and natural event  after natural event, each more conclusively confirming the existence and increasing impact of climate change and global warming—and the significant role played by human choices in it. After reading the article linked above, I found myself uncontrollably writing this rather sarcastic “denier’s declaration” that represents to me what global warming deniers seem to consistently say, but  consolidated into a couple paragraphs. Let’s just put it under the heading of personal catharsis. Here it is:
Of course, all we folks with common sense know there is no such thing as climate change and global warming--after all, someone is always crying wolf about something. And naturally, we keep listening closely to the TV and radio people who keep telling us the truth about that. We know all the pointy-headed scientists are smoking something. I mean, they get the rocket-to-Mars stuff right, and all the medical and technology stuff, too, but they just refuse to tell the truth about this climate change stuff. They have their own agenda.
But even if there were such a thing, and even if it were getting worse, it's not our fault. We’re Americans, and we have a right to satisfy what we think our needs and wants are at a price we can afford. We’ve earned it. And ridiculous efforts and costs to reduce environmental risk--even to avoid catastrophe--are an unnecessary and unfair burden on us. Tax someone else. We are not responsible for what we do not foresee (or later choose to ignore if it becomes an unexpected reality). We have a right to deny it, or deny responsibility for it, when it doesn't seem right or fair. And this isn’t fair.  Am I right, or am I right?

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