Friday, June 7, 2013

Christie's Approach and Appeal Rise Above Polarized Politics

What a breath of fresh air: a practical politician who does his job with honesty, integrity and reasonable compromise in serving his constituencies' best overall interests. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.

And he works with whomever he has to in order to get things done, whatever their party or their policy positions. I may have some things to disagree with Governor Christie about, but not his open, get-things-done leadership style. If he can get past a GOP primary and nominating process dominated by the take-no-prisoners extreme right--and that's a big "if"--we could have an incredibly interesting, voter-energizing contest for president in 2016. It could be a race that will draw all candidates more toward the center and practical compromise in a return to politics that embraces a more bi-partisan process. 

It is possible. See this June 4th NBC news article and the unique bi-partisan respect for Christie reflected in the polling numbers. People want this kind of political pragmatism and accountability from politicians of both parties. And it is possible.

Link to NBC article:

Christie’s appeal rises above polarized nation, NBC/WSJ poll shows

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