Monday, December 3, 2012

Can the Lincoln Movie Inspire Our Leaders?

Joe Klein, excerpted from his recent Time article:
Suddenly it seems as if everyone in the political world is talking about Steven Spielberg's splendid film Lincoln. Instead of the standard Hollywood hagiography, it is an act of civic virtue: a movie about a living, breathing, horse-trading, occasionally mendacious genius of a politician. It resurrects the noble greasiness of politics at a perfect moment: we need some inspired horse-trading in Washington right now, with short-term stimulus, long-term deficit reduction, health care and other issues on the table.
--“A New Birth of Politics,” by Joe Klein, Time (12.10.2012)
Don't we all want that from both President Obama and Speaker Boehner? But are they up to it? Can they look past party, ideology, and short-term political victory and craft the compromise that best serves the country? Sure hope so.
Additional Link to entire article:

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