Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Debt Limit Hobbits

From The Wall Street Journal Op-Ed pages,
"The debt-limit hobbits should also realize that at this point the Washington fracas they are prolonging isn't helping their cause. Republicans are not looking like adults to whom voters can entrust the government."  
---"The Debt Limit Hobbits," The WSJ (7.30.11)
And from the Wall Street Journal, yet. You have to love it. But they are just saying what is more than apparent to most Americans--or should be. That they feel it has to be said from so lofty a dais as the op-ed pages of the WSJ indicates how deaf the tin ears in the GOP's right-wing camps must be. And it's all okay with me. The more, the longer they play the irresponsible obstructionists, the longer they stretch out or deny effective, but reasonable deficit reduction legislation, the weaker and less re-electable they become. Let them proceed just as deaf, dumb and blind as they have been right through the 2012 elections. Then, perhaps, the electorate will present us with a more balanced, more centrist legislature to proceed with the increasingly pressing business that burdens our country.

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