Saturday, June 26, 2010

A Disappointing Legacy

We were the generation of change, enlightened societal change and better social thinking. We were the '60s generation and the baby boomers. We would author movement to higher ground: greater civic virtue, and elevated democratic and humanitarian principles. A new and better vision of society would be our gift to the great unwashed of other generations and other places. We would make this happen.

But it is hard not to see the fingerprints of the baby boomers, and especially we '60s folk--our presumptuousness and collective self-indulgence--on the stock and housing market excesses of the last 15 years, the indulgences and indiscretions of Wall Street, those too, and the resulting financial crisis and great recession now weighing upon us all. And we without any sense of culpability for all that we authored, all that resulted, for the tarnished and diminished legacy visited upon our children and grandchildren.

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