Friday, March 26, 2010


Two millennia ago, I'm told, an occupied, dispirited Israel looked for a Davidic, conquering Messiah and deliverer from the Romans, a restorer of their nation and their independent cultural identity. They could not see or accept in Jesus another kind of deliverer, a spiritual deliverer, a restorer of their relationship with God.

In the same way today, aggressive expressions of cultural, political Christianity lift up a Davidic Jesus as their deliverer from secular humanism, liberalism, other spiritualities, even other Christian views. He would be their conquering, culture-restoring Messiah. And they, too, now appear unable to see or accept in Jesus another kind of deliverer, a spiritual deliverer, the restorer of a deeper personal relationship with God. Do they fear the real, the profound personal and cultural changes an indwelling Spirit of Christ might necessarily bring?

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