Sunday, June 22, 2008

Washington Post - ABC News Poll: Unacknowledged Racial Bias?

MSNBC reports on a recent Washington Post-ABC News Poll: On the one hand, respondents indicated that,

  • 70% of whites denied racial bias, and

  • Nearly 90% of whites say they would be "comfortable" with a Black president, 67% "entirely comfortable," and

  • Only about 32% of all adults say they would be entirely comfortable with someone becoming president at age 72.
On the other hand, the same respondents indicated that,

  • Just over 50% of whites called Obama a "risky" choice for president, and

  • 67% of whites called McCain a "safe" choice!
So let's understand this: While 70% of white Americans deny racial bias, and 90% say they would be comfortable with a Black president, over 50% of those white people say Obama is a "risky" choice for president. Obama, as well educated, accomplished and able a presidential candidate of any race that could be hoped for, risky. And while only 32% of all adults would be entirely comfortable with a 72-year old president-elect, 67% of whites consider 72-year old McCain a "safe" choice. McCain, 72, running against a Black-American, multi-racial man, safe.

Any questions?

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