Sunday, June 29, 2008

Two Faces of Patriotism: McCain & Obama

The 7.07.08 edition of Time Magazine has devoted a whole section to the subject of "The Real Meaning of Patriotism," including short statements by McCain and Obama. A short introductory article, "The New Patriotism," reminds us that Americans honor their country and express their patriotism in dramatically different ways--and those differences make us stronger as a nation. But the article also reminds us that,

Patriotism has always been the most abstract of American virtues--which may be why we fight so ferociously over the symbols that help us define it. Too often those symbols--flags, anthems, slogans--which are meant to unite us, end up dividing us.

The main article, "The State of Patriotism," explores the two dominant faces of American patriotism, and proposes there might be a more respectful, more balanced and constructive third approach. Today's two faces of patriotism, they note, reflect directly the conservative and liberal traditions in America. The conservative view has always stressed identity with and reverence for the past--they are conservative, after all. They see the best of what has been, and the sacrifices and achievements resulting. The liberal view has always stressed the issues of the present and possibilities for the future. They see the things that need to change and be done better; they seek a better vision for the future--they are progressive, after all.

Both are important to who we've been, who we are, and who we will be. Both represent deeply held, very patriotic views and concerns that reflect pride and identity in our country. A better, more constructive third way would be to honor both. For, in whatever way and on whichever side of the conservative/liberal divide our own patriotism is most often expressed, we must understand and acknowledge that only the combination of both these expressions of patriotism fully honors and pays due attention to our country's history of sacrifice and achievement, and its commitment to advancement, reform and a greater future.

***The Patriotism section is capped off by short, readable personal essays on patriotism by John McCain, "A Cause Greater Than Self," and by Barack Obama, "A Faith in Simple Dreams."

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