Thursday, May 15, 2008

Racism Alarms Obama Backers

Barack Obama rightly and wisely downplays racist opposition to his candidacy and stresses the healing and unifying potential of an Obama presidency. But according to this article, his workers on the phone and in the field have experienced unsettling, overt expressions of that racism still alive and flourishing in the shadowed corners of American life. But as I warned in Opus, Again, below, the worst is yet to come when the dark forces operatives are fully released on Obama in the general election.

But this is not a reason or time to be dispirited. It is a time to be optimistic. For the first time there is the realistic presidential candidacy of a multiracial person—and he is brilliant, articulate, insightful and balanced. He will look into the shadowed, racist eyes and by virtue of who he is and what he stands for will put the lie on the racist voices and fears. Whoever may still be in doubt will see these dysfunctional, often socially wounded and anachronistic voices for who they are, what they are. And our country can then take another important step forward.

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