Thursday, April 17, 2008

Al Franken for Senator?

If you're waiting for the punch line, forget it. And April fools day has come and gone. Al Franken is not Joking. He is running for Senator from Minnesota and--unbelievably--he is running strong.

Despite his history as a blunt comedic instrument of the left, an over-the-top former actor and writer in the early days of Saturday Night Live, and author of some books with outrageous titles and matching content, this often publicly confrontational personality has reinvented himself as a serious candidate for national office. And it has got lots of people nervous, some upset--including the Minnesota Republican party and the National Dems in Washington.

The Atlantic magazine chronicles his journey from comedic caricature and public provocateur to very serious political candidate--serious enough to have come from way behind to way ahead of his Democratic primary rivals in the polls, and even inching ahead of the presumptive Republican candidate. What might the Senate look like with Al Franken?

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