Friday, December 30, 2011

W.S. Merwin: Self Understanding, Duty, Identity

Merwin reflects on some challenges and life factors influencing our understandings and expressions of identity. First, in "To Waiting," he explores our inclination to more often be looking forward and to change--sometime seeking escape from ourselves--than to understand, accept and respect who we are today. 

Then, in "To Duty," he acknowledges the power of an inborn or developed sense of duty in or on who we are and how we face life. And though he treats it as a force unto itself, he leaves each of us to sort out whether this sometimes dominating sense of duty is a quality or product of our inborn personality, or the influence of life-learning and training in shaping it. That's what I hear and feel in his verse today, but tomorrow, perhaps more. From W.S. Merwin:

To Waiting

You spend so much of your time
expecting to become
someone else
always someone
who will be different
someone to whom a moment
whatever moment it may be
at last has come
and who has been
met and transformed
into no longer being you
and so has forgotten you

meanwhile in your life
you hardly notice
the world around you
lights changing
sirens dying along the buildings
your eyes intent
on a sight you do not see yet
not yet there
as long as you
are only yourself

with whom as you
recall you were
never happy
to be left alone for long

To Duty

Oh dear

Where do you keep yourself
whose least footstep wakens
all those sentences
that begin I thought

what makes you so sure
as you lay claim
to the cloudless sky of morning

assuming the grammar of the hours
and whatever they
are supposed to be saying
even if we try
to imagine what life
would be like without you

you who do not
seem to listen
you who insist
without a sound
you who know better

even better you say
than nature herself

you who tell us
over and over
who we are

Thursday, December 29, 2011

American Dream Easier to Realize Elsewhere: The Failings of Education, Government Investment & Upward Mobility

Those headlines and feature stories confront us more often. We don't want to hear it, we don't. We certainly don't want to believe it. After all, through all generations, the vast majority of Americans came here from many other places for that best opportunity to get ahead, the highest probability of being upwardly mobile. But now, not so much. The reports are true: America's upward mobility has been stalled, then jammed into reverse, and our vaunted middle class is shrinking. And most of those formerly enjoying middle-class life have become poorer, not richer.

If we read a little further, we are also informed that the gap in economic opportunity and mobility between America's "haves" and "have-nots" is steadily increasing.There are many factors, but a more dominant financial sector, more a winner-take-all social and economic environment, globalization and, particularly, the failures of American K-12 education, all loom large. What is less often reported, certainly less often heard and understood, is that other countries, at least seven of them have moved past us and now offer more accomodating access to a comfortable middle-class income and lifestyle. The American dream is now more easily realized elsewhere.

The US is now 8th in economic mobility behind Denmark, Norway, Finland, Canada, Sweden, Germany and France. Yes, France. And yes, there are those more ideological American's who have long flogged some of these countries as "socialist" countries--mixed economies to the extent that they place social support and services on a level of priority commensurate with the values of an advanced society, and supported by effective, open markets, regulated to protect consumers, the economy, and society as a whole. Some of us would just call them more balanced, effective and civilized societies.

But there are differences to be considered and reasons to be understood. Let's look at some recent articles that make these understandings quite clear.

From a recent article in Time Magazine:
The Pew Charitable Trusts' Economic Mobility Project has found that if you were born in 1970 in the bottom one-fifth of the socioeconomic spectrum in the U.S., you had only about a 17% chance of making it into the upper two-fifths. That's not good by international standards. A spate of new reports from groups such as Brookings, Pew and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development show that it's easier to climb the socioeconomic ladder in many parts of Europe than it is in the U.S. It's hard to imagine a bigger hit to the American Dream than that: you'd have an easier time getting a leg up in many parts of sclerotic, debt-ridden, class-riven old Europe than you would in the U.S.A. "The simple truth," says Sawhill, "is that we have a belief system about ourselves that no longer aligns with the facts." 
[...] Yet it is important to understand that when you compare Europe and America, you are comparing very different societies. High-growth Nordic nations with good social safety nets, which have the greatest leads in social mobility over the U.S., are small and homogeneous. On average, only about 7% of their populations are ethnic minorities (who are more often poorer and less mobile than the overall population), compared with 28% in the U.S. Even bigger nations like Germany don't have to deal with populations as socially and economically diverse as America's. 
Still, Europe does more to encourage equality. That's a key point because high inequality--meaning a large gap between the richest and poorest in society--has a strong correlation to lower mobility. As Sawhill put it, "When the rungs on the ladder are further apart, it is harder to climb them." Indeed, in order to understand why social mobility in the U.S. is falling, it's important to understand why inequality is rising, now reaching levels not seen since the Gilded Age. 
There are many reasons for the huge and growing wealth divide in our country. The rise of the money culture and bank deregulation in the 1980s and '90s certainly contributed to it. As the financial sector grew in relation to the rest of the country (it is now at historic highs of about 8%) a winner-take-all economy emerged. Wall Street was less about creating new businesses--entrepreneurship has stalled as finance has become a bigger industry--but it did help set a new pay band for top talent. In the 1970s, corporate chiefs earned about 40 times as much as their lowest paid worker (still closer to the norm in many parts of Europe). Now they earn more than 400 times as much.  
The most recent blows to economic equality, of course have been the real estate and credit crises, which wiped out housing prices and thus erased the largest chunk of middle-class wealth, while stocks where most the rich hold much of their money, have largely recovered. 
---"Whatever Happened to Upward Mobility?" by Rana Foroohar, Time (11.14.11)
We're not really that surprised by these reports, are we? In fact, we've all come to better understand these troubling realities as the financial crisis and housing crisis stubbornly refuse to give way to a return to economic normalcy. But what of the underlying systemic and structural changes? More from the Foroohar article in Time:
[...] [T]he causes of inequality and any resulting decrease in social mobility are also very much about two megatrends that have been reshapng the global economy since the 1970s: the effects of technology and the rise of the emerging markets. Some 2 billion people have joined the global workforce since the 1970s. According to Goldman Sachs, the majority of them are middle class by global standards and can do many of the jobs that were once done by American workers, at lower labor costs.... 
While there is no clear formula for ascribing the rise in inequality (via wage compression) and subsequent loss of mobility to the rise of China and India, one key study stands out. Nobel Laureate Michael Spense's recent examination...found that since the 1980s, companies that operated in the tradable sector--meaning they made things or provided services that could be traded between nations--have created no new jobs. The study is especially illustrative of the hollowing out of the American manufacturing sector in that period as middle-wage jobs moved abroad. The only major job creation was in more geographically protected categories  like retail and health care (another reason wages are shrinking, since many of the fastest-growing jobs in the U.S., like home health care aide and sales clerk, are low-paying. 
[...] Many of the jobs that have disappeared from the U.S. economy have done so not only because they were outsourced but also because they are now done by computer or robots... Advocates of technology-driven economic growth...argue that the creative destruction wrought by such innovations creates more and better jobs in the future... The problem is that those jobs tend to be skewed toward toward the very top (software engineer) or bottom (sales clerk).... 
While there's no doubt that so far, technology has been a net plus in terms of the number of jobs in the economy, a growing group of experts believe that link is being broken... The result, they say, is that technology may soon be a net job destroyer.
But what role education in delaying or reversing this trend? And how might that play out? Ms. Foroohar:
The best hope in fighting the machines is to improve education, the factor that is more closely correlated with upward mobility than any other. Research has shown that as long as educational achievement keeps up with technological gains, more jobs are created. But in the late 1970s that link was broken in the U.S. as educational gains slowed.  
That's likely an important reason that Europeans have passed the U.S. in various measures of mobility. They've been exposed to the same Malthusian forces of globalization, but they've been better at using public money to buffer them. By funding ost-secondary education and keeping public primary and secondary schools as good as if not better than private ones, Europeans have made sure that the best and brightest can rise.
In the same issue of Time, the always insightful Fareed Zakaria reports that the American K-12 educational system has now fallen to a ranking of 26th in the world, and offers some well-informed thoughts on America's failing education system. Mr. Zakaria:
In 1972, the year [Steven] Jobs graduated, California's public schools were the envy of the world. They were generally rated the finest in the country, well funded and well run, with excellent teachers. These schools were engines of social mobility that took people like Jobs and Wozniak and gave them an educational grounding that helped them rise. 
Today, California's public schools are a disaster, beset by dysfunction and disrepair. They rank at the bottom of the country, just as the U.S. now sits at the bottom of the industrialized world by most measures of educational achievement. The World Economic Forum ranks the U.S.'s educational system 26th in the world, well behind those of countries like Germany, Finland, the Netherlands, Denmark, Canada and Singapore. In science and math, we score even worse. 
We've been talking about America's education decline for three decades now, so much so that we are numbed by the discussion. But the consequences of that crisis are only just becoming fully apparent. As American education has collapsed, the median wages of the American worker have stagnated, and social mobility--the beating heart of the American dream--has slowed to a standstill. Education is and always has been the fastest way up the socioeconomic ladder. And the payoff from a good education remains evident even in this weak recovery. The unemployment rate for college graduates is just 4%, but for high school dropouts it is 14%. If you drop out of high school--and the U.S. has a 25% dropout rate--you will have a depressed standard of living for the rest of your life. 
The need for better education for most Americans has never been more urgent. While we have been sleeping, the rest of the world has been upgrading its skills. Countries in Europe and Asia have worked hard to increase their college-graduation rates, while the U.S.'s--once the world's highest--has flatlined. Other countries have focused on math and science, while in America degrees have proliferated in "fields" like sports exercise and leisure studies. 
Bill Gross, the head of Pimco, the world's largest bond fund, sums it up in no uncertain terms: "Our labor force is too expensive and poorly educated for today's marketplace." There are two variables here: our educational levels, which are low, and our wages, which are high. Either we will raise our educational level or markets will lower our wages. 
[...] How to do it? Well, there is one simple, time-tested method. Work harder. Thomas Edison said that genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. Malcolm Gladwell found that behind many supposedly natural-born talents like musical ability lay lots of practice--by his calculations, about 10,000 hours of practice. U.S. schoolchildren spend less time in school than their peers abroad. They have shorter school days and a shorter school year. Children in South Korea will spend almost two years more in school than Americans by the end of high school. Is it really so strange that they score higher on tests? 
If South Korea teaches the importance of hard work, Finland teaches another lesson. Finnish students score near the very top on international tests, yet they do not follow the Asian model of study, study and more study. Instead they start school a year later than in most countries, emphasize creative work and shun tests for most of the year. But Finland has great teachers, who are paid well and treated with the same professional respect that is accorded to doctors and lawyers. They are found and developed through an extremely competitive and rigorous process. All teachers are required to have master's degrees, and only 1 in 10 applicants is accepted to the country's teacher-training programs. The contrast with the U.S. is stark. Half of America's teachers graduated in the bottom third of their college class. 
Bill Gates has spent about $5 billion trying to research and reform American education. I asked him, if he were running a school district and could wave a magic wand, what he would do. His response: hire the best teachers. That's what produces the best results for students, more than class size or money or curriculum. "So the basic research into great teaching, that's now become our biggest investment," he says. One study estimates that if black students had a top-quartile teacher rather than a bottom-quartile teacher four years in a row, that would be enough to close the black-white test-score gap. 
[...] I went through the Asian educational system, which is now so admired. It gave me an impressive base of knowledge and taught me how to study hard and fast. But when I got to the U.S. for college, I found that it had not trained me that well to think. American education at its best teaches you how to solve problems, truly understand the material, question authority, think for yourself and be creative. It teaches you to learn what you love and to love learning. These are incredibly important values, and they are why the U.S. has been able to maintain an edge in creative industries and innovation in general. 
The U.S. should truly fix its educational system by emphasizing the basics--like hard work--again but also by renewing its distinctly American character. We will succeed not by becoming more Asian but by becoming, as the writer James Fallows put it once, "more like us." That's what made America the world's most dynamic society--and it can make it so again. 
---"When Will We Learn?" Fareed Zakaria, Time (11.14.11)
Now lets return to the Rana Foorahar article for some insights on the role of health care, government support of employment and training, and tax policy.
There are many other lessons to be learned from the most mobile nations. Funding universal health care without tying it to jobs can increase labor flexibility and reduce the chance that people will fall into poverty because of medical emergencies--a common occurrence in the U.S., where such medical crises are a big reason a third of the population cycles in and out of poverty every year. Focusing more on less-expensive preventive care (including family planning, since high teen birthrates correlate with lack of mobility) rather than on expensive procedures can increase the general health levels in a society, which is also correlated to mobility. 
Europe's higher spending on social safety nets has certainly bolstered the middle and working classes. (Indeed, you could argue that some of America's great social programs, including Social Security and Medicaid, enabled us to become a middle-class nation.) Countries like Germany and Denmark that have invested in youth-employment programs and technical schools where young people can learn a high-paying trade have done well, which is not surprising given that in many studies, including the Opportunity Nation index, there's a high correlation between the number of teenagers who are not in school or not working and lowered mobility. 
[...] Germans, for example, made a command decision after the financial downturn in 2008 not to let unemployment rise because it would ultimately be more expensive to put people back to work than to pay to keep them in their jobs. The government subsidized companies to keep workers (as many as 1.4 million in 2009) on the payroll, even part time. Once the economy began to pick up, companies were ready to capitalize on it quickly. Unemployment is now 6%--lower than before the recession--and growth has stayed relatively high. 
The Nordic nations, too, have figured out clever ways to combine strong economic growth with a decent amount of security. As in Germany, labor and corporate relations are collaborative rather than contentious. Union reps often sit on company boards, which makes it easier to curb excessive executive pay and negotiate compromises over working hours. Worker retraining is a high priority. Danish adults spend a lot of time in on-the-job training. That's one reason they also enjoy high real wages and relatively low unemployment. 
The final lesson that might be learned is in tax policy. The more-mobile European nations have fewer corporate loopholes, more redistribution to the poor and middle class via consumption taxes and far less complication. France's tax code, for example, is 12% as long as the U.S.'s. Tax levels are also higher, something that the enlightened rich in the U.S. are very publicly advocating. 
No wonder. A large body of academic research shows that inequality and lack of social mobility hurt not just those at the bottom; they hurt everyone. Unequal societies have lower levels of trust, higher levels of anxiety and more illness. They have arguably less stable economies: International Monetary Fund research shows that countries like the U.S. and the U.K. are more prone to boom-and-bust cycles. And they are ultimately at risk for social instability. 
That's the inflection point that we are at right now. The mythology of the American Dream has made it difficult to start a serious conversation about how to create more opportunity in our society, since many of us still believe that our mobility is the result of our elbow grease and nothing more. But there is a growing truth, seen in the numbers and in the protests that are spreading across our nation, that this isn't so. We can no longer blame the individual. We have to acknowledge that climbing the ladder often means getting some support and a boost.
Many other articles have offered examples and perspectives on America's declining upward mobility, it's slide toward a smaller middle class and a bigger gap between rich and poor. One study reports that in 2007 only 44% of American families lived in middle-income neighborhoods, down from 65% in 1970. ("Middle-class areas shrink as America divides into "two-tiered society of rich and poor," by Sabrina Tavernise, New York Times (11.16.11)). That's a lot of damage in a relatively short time to our middle-class strength, and a threat to our economic and social stability. And it won't be reversed overnight.

The reality and the implications are clear enough. We are just now experiencing the unwelcome results of policies and circumstances long in their development. We cannot further delay a national corrective that will move us back on the upward path we've always so proudly claimed. The failings of our education system must be reversed. Germany's approach to the economic effects of the financial crisis reflected sound thinking: to fail to provide for social needs and training would just result in worse conditions that would exact greater social and economic costs in the end. That is thinking that will not come naturally or easy to America's anti-government spending advocates. It's not just the stimulative economic effect--although that is important--but also the reduction of national stress and pain, and reduced volatility of economic cycles.

We have to get past our misguided notions that America is by virtue of its very existence and nature a more advanced, better functioning and economically stronger country than all others. We have to get past this baseless nationalistic hubris and outmoded thinking, too often misled my misguided ideologues and populist demogogues. We must reclaim America's historical pragmatism, education leadership, hard work, and boldness of government investment in our future, a future which threatens to quickly and globally leave us behind. We can and must learn from other countries, many of which we once considered lesser lights. We will require a stronger partnership among government, education, business, and our citizenry, one built on the old foundations of American vision, innovation and hard work, but combined with a respectful view of the new, global, governmental, economic, and educational realities. Amen.


Sunday, December 4, 2011

W.S. Merwin: Last Year, Next Year

I've been reading different poets lately, but found nothing I'm moved to share here. So I picked Present Company (2007) from my bookshelf, poetry by W.S. Merwin--a favorite now, you know. I found these two poems, side by side, but where else would they be? As we look back on this year, fast receding, and to a new year fast apporaching--with promise, or hope, we pray--these two poems offer me sensitive, resonant reflections for this time. Perhaps they will resonate with you, too.

To the Parting Year

So you are leaving everything
the way it is
taking only your day with you

already you are out of reach
you do not know us or hear us
you scarcely remember us
already we cannot imagine
where you are

what we remember of love is starlight

To the New Year

With what stillness at last
you apear in the valley
your first sunlight reaching down
to touch the tips of a few
high leaves that do not stir
as though they had not noticed
and did not know you at all
then the voice of a dove calls
from far away in itself
to the hush of the morning

so this is the sound of you
here and now whether or not
anyone hears it this is
where we have come with our age
our knowledge such as it is
and our hopes such as they are
invisible before us
untouched and still possible

Monday, November 21, 2011

Couldn't Take You With Me

[A short essay from my Beyond Life's Boxes series.]

I couldn’t take you with me. And you didn’t want to come. Remember? That same uncanny, purposeful sense of fate that threw us together, scattered us like expatriates of Babel having lost the language, relationship and purpose of our time and place. And it didn’t matter when or where, because of you with me, it seemed like magic there. Was it school, the Marines, a church, another sojourn or road we traveled? Was it a shared faith, philosophy, or professional life? Or was it the causes and organizations, the boards and councils, or our retreats and pastimes, where our passions and purposes brought us together in common cause? Wherever it was, you were there and so was I. We knew there was a reason; we knew it was important, at least to us—and we were grateful for it. But just as fatefully, purposefully, and surely as we felt brought together, we felt pulled apart. You were gone and so was I.

You moved in your direction and I in mine, you to one box, I to another—and then another. I’ve been in some very different places with some very different people. Perhaps I’ve been led there, as I have said. But even if ushered there by serendipity alone, I’ve encountered a lot of the stuff, stories and lessons of life—seeing into it, then past it. My eyes have been widened and then narrowed, but now feel softer, more comfortable, wiser, more generous. They now see new things, and old things new. I can’t change what I’ve seen and know. I can’t and won’t go back. The call, the challenge is still in going forward. But I couldn’t take you with me then, and I can’t take you with me now. I would, but you have your own invitations and path to follow. I still love you and miss you—but in that time, place or cause we once shared together. And I’m still grateful for that time together, what it meant to me then and what it means to me now.

First written: June 2005

Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Tongue is a Fire

James, brother of Jesus: "The tongue is a fire...a restless evil...which defiles our entire body and sets on fire the course of our lives...[H]ow great a forest is set aflame by such a small fire...With it we bless our Lord and Father; and with it we curse men; from the same mouth come both blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be this way." (from James 3:5-10)

Hafiz, 14th-century sufi poet: "What we speak becomes the house we live in. Think what can happen when the tongue says to kindness, 'I will be your slave.'" *** "Now is the time to understand that all your ideas of right and wrong were just training wheels to be laid aside when you finally live with veracity and love." (from The Gift (1999))

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Our Poorer Brethren: Understandings and Attitudes

Our behavior and identity are in part a function of our genetic legacy, yes, but also the way we are conditioned and schooled, what we learn in our families, communities and cultures. Some combination of genes and life circumstances determines who we are, how we act, the scope and limits of our potential and achievements. But for the least fortunate of our brethren--the increasing numbers of poor brethren--their choices are far fewer and their ability to act on them much less. That's a reality we could better understand. And compassion and a generous spirit are sentiments we could more often, more broadly embrace. GH

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Zakaria: Tax Law Complexity Equals Corruption

For much of my career, I worked as a tax lawyer and a corporate tax executive. If there was anything I understood, it was the complexity of the U.S. tax code, regulations, rulings, and case law--at least those parts of it I dealt with most. To be really competent in tax practice, you do have to specialize in one area of practice, or a few at most. It's nothing short of byzantine. And many companies and industries have their special tax breaks or "incentives." They also have their lobbyists, both "in house" and on K Street, who are well paid to protect those competitive tax advantages. (And, it can hardly be surprising that tax lawyers, tax accountants, and financial products architects view each new and more complex iteration of the tax code as tax professionals' full-employment legislation.)

But most of those tax breaks provide no additional incentives for companies to do more of what they are already doing to maximize their profits in their chosen area of commercial endeavor. Not really. They are just thinly veiled, indirect government payments to one industry or another, or one company or another. They are created and sustained by congressmen and senators eager to help their constituent companies, or other companies, for which they have developed sympathetic support--and that sympathy is most often engendered through the financial and political support those companies provide the politicians.

In addressing the 9-9-9 tax plan of Republican presidential contender Herman Cain, Fareed Zakaria finds merit in the underlying ideas, even if the particulars are difficult to support or defend. But in taking on the most basic element of the plan--tax law simplicity--he exposes one of the principal unspoken realities of tax law complexity: political corruption. Mr. Zakaria: 
I am going to defend not Cain's specific policy proposals but their general thrust. His plan is sloppy and, in parts, bizarre. But the impetus behind it--tax simplification and reform--is not. Most Americans believe that the federal tax code is highly complex and fundamentally corrupt. They are right. The federal code (plus IRS rulings) is now 72,536 pages in total. The code itself is 16,000 pages.  
Complexity equals corruption. When John McCain was still a raging reformer, he pointed to the tax code as the foundation for the corruption of American politics. Special interests pay politicians vast amounts of cash for their campaigns, and in return they get favorable exemptions or credits in the tax code. In other countries, this sort of bribery takes place underneath bridges and with cash in brown envelopes. In America it is institutionalized and legal, but it is the same--cash for politicians in return for favorable treatment from the government. The U.S. tax system is not simply corrupt; it is corrupt in a deceptive manner that has degraded the entire system of American government. Congress is able to funnel vast sums of money to its favored funders through the tax code--without anyone realizing it. The simplest way to get the corruption out of Washington is to remove the prize that members of Congress give away: preferential tax treatment. A flatter tax code with almost no exemptions does that.
---"Complexity Equals Corruption," Fareed Zakaria, Time Magazine (10.31.11)
This is not the first time I have posted on this topic, as some of you know. It is a subject I was passionate about for much of my professional life, and that passion has not abated. It is just so logical and so right. If Mr. Cain's particular proposal is not viable --and it is not, in my view--he has embraced the right idea in simplification.

And after Mr. Zakaria works through the other elements of Mr. Cain's plan, he offers his own own variation on a 9-9-9 type of approach. It is still simple enough, although not as simple as Mr. Cain's. We can be thankful for that. But it is clearly more thoughtful and defensible. It, too, may have elements that one or another of us will take issue with, but on the whole it is much closer to a workable set of particulars. Again, Mr. Zakaria:
My version of Cain's proposal would be flatter but not flat: 9% for the first 90% of Americans, 18% for the next 9% (incomes starting at $150,000) and 27% for the top 1% (incomes starting at about $500,000). I would keep a few straightforward deductions--state and local income taxes and charitable contributions. I would lower the corporate rate to 18% and impose a VAT of 9%. Finally, I would enact a 50% inheritance tax, because nothing is more un-American than an inherited elite that perpetuates itself. So my proposal is a bit more complex--the 9-18-27-18-9-50 plan. Don't expect it to catch fire on the campaign trail anytime soon.
The full article is worth reading, not just for the analysis of the particulars, but for the policy discussion as well. It can be accessed through the following link:,33009,2097396,00.html 

Life's Slippery Slope: Who We Too Often Become.

Following on from my last post, I've added these additional pull-quotes from various of my writings (which have also found their way to my Facebook page). I place them all together here in successive paragraphs because they follow naturally enough from one to the next.
Have we lost our way somewhere on the quest for the greater good, on that path paved with good intentions? Have we lost our footing, our vision and mission? We have our success and worldly goods, yes, but has that fulfilled our potential, our promise? And if that is what we've gained in the world we've so easily slipped into, what have we lost? 
We are competitive and contentious as a species, and given too much to disagreement. We contend and disagree among nations, ethnicities, religions and ideologies, and within them all as well. We are set on distinguishing ourselves from others, lifting ourselves above them or separating ourselves from them--and we are often unpleasant or hurtful in doing it. It all breeds prejudice, anger, even hatred. It's clearly not heaven yet, not anywhere close. 
So, if loving one another, even respecting one another, is too often just not in the cards, not realistic, don't we have to reach even more earnestly and insistently for tolerance, at least? In the name of peace on shared ground and in common spaces, can't we agree to patiently and politely abide one another? Can't we at least get over the lowest bar of tolerance and civility?

Friday, November 4, 2011

What's Gained? What's Lost?

Have we lost our way somewhere on the quest for the greater good, on that path paved with good intentions? Have we lost our footing, our vision and mission? We have our success and worldly goods, yes, but has that fulfilled our potential, our promise? And if that is what we've gained in the world we’ve so easily slipped into, what have we lost? GH

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

true lovers: one more from eec

Oh, one more, just one more, from this cummings selected poetry collection (well, until the next one).
true lovers in each happening of their hearts
live longer than all which and every who;
despite what fear denies,what hope asserts,
what falsest both disprove by proving true 
(all doubts,all certainties,as villains strive
and heroes through the mere mind's poor pretend
--grim comics of duration:only love
immortality occurs beyond the mind) 
such a forever is love's any now
and her each here is such an everywhere,
even more true would truest lovers grow
if out of midnight dropped more suns that are 
(yes;and if time should ask into his was
all shall,their eyes would never miss a yes)

e e cummings, 5 of 100 gifts

From e e cummings, five of 100 Selected Poems (a birthday gift from son, Adam.) You do have to keep working with cummings' poetry, mining the alternatives and possibilities, rethinking the pieces and the whole. But if you do, it just keeps on giving and surprising. It is surely worth it! 
yes is a pleasant country:
if's wintry
(my lovely)
let's open the year 
both is the very weather
(not either)
my treasure,
when violets appear 
love is a deeper season
than reason:
my sweet one
(and april's where we're)
nothing false and possible is love
(who's imagined,therefore limitless)
love's to giving as to keeping's give;
as yes is to if,love is to yes 
must's a schoolroom in the month of may:
life's the deathboard where all now turns when
(love's a universe beyond obey
or command,reality or un-) 
proudly depths above why's first because
(faith's last doubt and humbly heights below)
kneeling,we--true lovers--pray that us
will ourselves continue to outgrow 
all those mosts if you have known and I've
only we our least begin to guess
all ignorance toboggans into know
and trudges up to ignorance again:
but winter's not forever,even snow
melts;and if spring should spoil the game, what then? 
all history's a winter sport or three:
but were it five,i'd still insist that all
history is too small for even me;
for me and you,exceedingly to small. 
Swoop(shrill collective myth)into thy grave
merely to toil the scale to shrillerness
per every madge and mabel dick and dave
--tomorrow is our permanent address 
and there they'll scarcely find us(if they do,
we'll move away still further: into now
no time ago
or else a life
walking in the dark
i met christ 
jesus)my heart
flopped over
and lay still
while he passed(as 
close as i'm to you
yes closer
made of nothing
except loneliness
love is the every only god 
who spoke this earth so glad and big
even a thing all small and sad
man,may his mighty briefness dig 
for love beginning means return
seas who could sing so deep and strong 
one queerying wave will whitely yearn
from each last shore and home come young 
so truly perfectly the skies
by merciful love whispered were,
complete its brightness with your eyes 
any illimitable star

Saturday, October 22, 2011


There should always be hope--and can be. Hope can rest on you with promise and peace. It can be as natural as the breath you take, and accompany you throughout the day. And in the darker times, it can hold you up and sustain you. It is essential for your emotional health, the confident exercise of your abilities, the reaching out for new horizons, for happiness and peace with who you are and who you are becoming. GH

The Quest

If you've believed in better understandings and answers (better thinking), new beginnings and endings (cycles and changes), causes and effects (reasons), that there is something right or true out there to believe in (or at least something more), then you’ve had no choice, no other way to go. You've had to keep seeking, assessing, accepting and rejecting--and moving on, again and again. GH

Monday, October 17, 2011

Neutrinos Faster Than Light? U.S Physics Funding Down, Int'l Collaboration Up?

 On September 23rd researchers at CERN, Europe's main physics laboratory, announced that subatomic particles called neutrinos had apparently sped from the lab's headquarters near Geneva, through the Earth's crust, to an underground detector 730km (450 miles) away around 60-billionths of a second faster than light would take to cover the same distance (see article). The difference in speed is tiny, but the implications are huge. 
---"Faster than the speed of light: What does an experiment that seems to contradict Einstein's theory of relativitiy really mean?" The Economist, Leaders section (10.1.11)
A foundation stone of modern physics and Einstein's special theory of relativity is that nothing is faster than the speed of light, and more, that its speed remains constant regardless of the place or moving speed of an observer. Well, now an experiment at CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has called that into question. There will likely be other experiments to confirm or deny these findings, of course. This is something they will want to be certain about because much in physics could change or be seen differently based upon the results. Consider these implications offered by the Economist article:
If the result is true, though, it does change everything. In particular, the likely explanation is that the neutrinos are taking a short-cut through one of the extra dimensions which string theory postulates are hidden among the familiar four of length, breadth, height and time. Measured along this five-dimensional route, Einstein might still be right. (It would not so much be that he made a mistake as that he did not know the whole story.) Indeed, moving beyond four dimensions in this way would also allow physicists to try to integrate Einstein's work with quantum theory, the other great breakthrough of 20th-century physics, but one which simply refuses to overlap with relativity. A unified theory of everything, including perhaps as many as 11 dimensions, would then beckon. 
Now that's very exciting stuff, at least for physicists, lots of other scientists, and those who have a rough idea of what that means for our understanding of the universe. So naturally, many would think the U.S. would be contesting the primacy of place in these research efforts, that funding would be flowing and optimism for more would be rising. But not so.

In fact, on September 30th the U.S. closed the facility and ended the work of Fermilab's Tevatron particle accelerator outside Chicago, long the standard setter for physics research on subatomic particles. In a feature story in the same addition of The Economist:
At 2pm on September 30th, the last day of the American fiscal year, Helen Edwards, a septuagenarian American physicist, will press a red switch, and then a green one. By doing so, she will kill the Tevatron—a particle accelerator (pictured above), with a circumference of 6.3km, that she helped, in her younger days, to build. 
[...] For a quarter of a century before CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) began working in earnest in 2009 the Tevatron, at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) in Batavia, near Chicago, dominated high-energy physics. It was the first machine to smash particles together with energies in excess of 1 trillion electron-volts—or 1 TeV, whence its name. This led to the discovery of the top quark, the heaviest elementary particle seen to date and the penultimate piece of the jigsaw puzzle known as the Standard Model that is the best description physicists have of the basic components of the universe. 
For a few months in 2010 it looked as though the Tevatron might get a reprieve in order to find the last (and heaviest) missing bit of the model—the Higgs boson, which is thought to give other particles their mass. That would have been a delicious victory, as the LHC's first goal is the discovery of the Higgs. In the event, though, Congress pulled the plug. 
---"So long and thanks for all the quarks," The Economist, Science and Technology (10.1.11)
But it turns out that the Fermilab may have a new lease on life in high-energy physics. Quite apart from the Tevatron, Fermilab has the capability to "whip up the world's most intense beams of neutrinos," and a new project NOVA beginning in 2013 places it in a good position to replicate the experiment at CERN's LHC, and affirm or not their recent stunning results. And follow-up neutrino research is already planned well beyond that. But the price tag will be $1 billion, and the recent budget climate raises concerns about U.S. enthusiasm for unilateral funding of  leadership research in this field again. It is very clearly another sign of America's contracting capability or willingness to lead in areas and ways this country and world once expected of us.

So we now appear to be entering a new era with a new U.S. attitude of unwillingness to dominate funding for scientific research--but it is also a time when other global research centers appear more willing to step up to more collaborative efforts and shared funding. And that likely implies a new role for U.S. physicists: being more a partner, or perhaps even a role player on a larger stage with Europe's CERN and other emerging centers leading or sharing the lead. And likely that's progress, a better, more realistic model for international physics research and our role in it. From The Economist article:
Though it may gall those Americans who would like their country to continue to go it alone in matters physical, [multinational research partnerships and funding] may represent the future. It already looks likely that the successor to the LHC, a device called the International Linear Collider (ILC), will be built in Japan (if it is built at all). Most physicists agree it would be America's for the asking if Americans wanted it, but the current Congress seems not to, because it would entail doling out half of the $20 billion the ILC is expected to cost. 
Even if it ends up on the other side of the Pacific, though, America will be expected to make some sort of financial contribution to the ILC. And the odd American accent is not unknown even in the corridors of Geneva. In matters of particle physics, then, patriotism is passé. The "E" in CERN originally stood for "European", but the organisation already boasts Israel as a member, and India, Japan and the United States as observers. Moreover, more than two dozen other non-European countries have co-operation agreements with CERN. The passing of the Tevatron may cause the shedding of a manly (and womanly) tear or two among America's physicists. But physics belongs to no one country. That said, you can bet the lads and lasses at Fermilab will be happy to grab any credit they can for helping dethrone relativity. For in their heart of hearts, even the sceptics who say they think the result from OPERA must be a mistake hope that it is not.
A new world, perhaps? Perhaps, a better one?

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

On the Arm of God, in the Arms of Love

Today, somehow, my heart returns to this poem offered us by the 14th-century Sufi poet Hafiz. When in a certain place with the ways of love and your relationship with God, it speaks to us as few other collections of human words can. It captures so poignantly the experience and longing for love and for God, love that cannot be found "where the Beautiful Bird does not drink," but only in a deeper, more trusting relationship with God.

From a deeper place than most of us are willing to travel, this longing, this excited elevation of one's spirit and hope is shared by Hafiz with such authenticity and authority that it blows the doors off our tepid cautions and protected places, and invites us to throw ourselves into the waiting and trusted arms of love and God.
A Tethered Falcon* 
My heart sits on the Arm of God
Like a tethered falcon
Suddenly unhooded. 
I am now blessedly crazed
Because my Master's Astounding Effulgence
Is in constant view. 
My piercing eyes,
Which have searched every world
For Tenderness and Love,
Now lock on the Royal Target--
The Wild Holy One
Whose Beauty Illuminates Existence. 
My soul endures a magnificent longing. 
I am a tethered falcon
With great wings and sharp talons poised,
Every sinew taught, like a sacred bow,
Quivering at the edge of my self
And Eternal Freedom, 
Though still held in check
By a miraculous
Divine Golden Cord. 
I am waiting for you to free me
Into Your Mind
And Infinite Being.
I am pleading in absolute helplessness
To hear, finally, your Words of Grace:
Fly! Fly into Me! 
Who can understand
Your sublime Nearness and Separation?

*Renderings in English of Hafiz' poetry by Daniel Ladinsky, I Heard God Laughing: Poems of Hope and Joy (1996, 2006).

Thursday, October 6, 2011

On Steve Jobs' Passing: His 2005 Stanford Commencement Address

Steve Jobs has passed from us. The loss is both personal and national. He was so personally hands on and just chatting with us, looking and feeling for all the world like our best friend, and all the while changing that world. The biographies and obituaries are front page everywhere--as they should be.

Life exacts its compromises from us all--and often that is the better part of wisdom. But looking back over 65 years, it seems to me the closer you can hold to Jobs' advice--at least at the major crossroads--the more often you will choose risk, renewal and joy rather than compromise, and be happier for it.

To view and listen, click on the highlighted title below:
Drawing from some of the most pivotal points in his life, Steve Jobs, chief executive officer and co-founder of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, urged graduates to pursue their dreams and see the opportunities in life's setbacks -- including death itself -- at the university's 114th Commencement on June 12, 2005.

Stanford University channel on YouTube:
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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

No, No; You're Thinking of Jesus

        Love this sign. Just love it.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Bolshoi Simulations- Modelling the Virtual Universe

You may have heard of the mysterious "dark matter" and "dark energy" of the cosmos. Or maybe not--after all, it's part of the arcane lexicon of the matter and forces that compose and animate the cosmos--galactic and inter-galactic space--and drive the what, how and why questions that attend them. Complicated stuff, for most of us.

So, you can be excused if you weren't aware that matter as we commonly think of it--the matter we can see--makes up only about 17% of all matter, and only 4% of the universe's mass-energy density. The rest appears to be this dark matter and dark energy--the things now being studied to help more accurately understand and model the appearance, forces, relationships and expansion of the universe. These are the kinds of things being studied by friend and MIT professor of physics emeritus Kerson Huang, among many others.

But how do you study such things? One of the most recent and promising efforts has been the Bolshoi simulations. A recent summary article on introduces us to it and provides links to related sites. From the article:
If you're going to create a virtual universe, you're going to need a big computer — like the Pleiades supercomputer at NASA's Ames Research Center in California's Silicon Valley. Researchers have just made the most accurate computer simulation showing the evolution of large-scale structure in the universe, known as the Bolshoi simulation, available to astrophysicists around the world. 
Bolshoi (which takes its name from the Russian word for "grand" or "big") took in data from ground-based and space-based instruments, including the best readings of the big bang's afterglow from NASA's Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe, or WMAP. Then it used 6 million CPU hours on Pleiades, ranked as the world's seventh-fastest supercomputer, to crunch all that data into a virtual representation of the universe evolving over time. The time-lapse simulation occupies nearly 90 trillion bytes of memory, or the equivalent of nearly 10,000 typical movie DVDs. 
The first two papers in a series describing the simulation have been accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal. "A lot more papers are on the way," one of the co-authors, physicist Joel Primack, said in a news release from the University of California at Santa Cruz. 
So far, the simulation has been in close agreement with what astronomers are seeing in the actual universe. "In one sense, you might think the initial results are a little boring, because they basically show that our standard cosmological model works," Primack said. "What's exciting is that we now have this highly accurate simulation that will provide the basis for lots of important new studies in the months and years to come." 
---"How to Build a Virtual Universe," by Alan Boyle, Cosmic Log, (9.30.11)
And if you think that's interesting, click on the highlighted link immediately above or at the end of this post for a look at a short Bolshoi animation visualizing a region centered on the dark matter halo of a very large cluster of galaxies. Hey, click on it; it's worth the trip!

Okay, very cool, but how does the dark matter, dark energy, and all that play into this? And what do we expect the Bolshoi simulation to help us understand better?
The standard model suggests that only 4 percent of the universe's mass-energy content consists of ordinary matter — the kind that we can see. Another 22 percent is cold dark matter, which can be detected only by its gravitational influence. Physicists surmise that dark matter is made up of exotic particles that interact only weakly with ordinary matter, but they haven't yet identified any of those particles. It's the weightiness of dark matter that is thought to shape galaxy clusters into a "cosmic web," which you can easily see forming in the animation above. (Remember to go full-screen and HD for optimal effect, or check out this music-enhanced Vimeo version.) 
The biggest constituent of the cosmos, at least based on current models, is dark energy: This mysterious energy, which is thought to account for around 74 percent of cosmic density, serves to counteract the force of gravity and cause the accelerating expansion of the universe. Its existence is required to reconcile cosmological theories with WMAP's observations as well as observations of distant supernovae — but no one has figured out what it is, which has led some astronomers to look for alternative theories. 
Primack, who directs the University of California High-Performance Astrocomputing Center, said a close analysis of the Bolshoi simulation could help point the way to better explanations for the dark-energy effect. "These huge cosmological simulations are essential for interpreting the results of ongoing astronomical observations and for planning the new large surveys of the universe that are expected to help determine the nature of the mysterious dark energy," he said. 
The first paper based on Bolshoi analysis focuses on the role of dark-matter halos in the universe's development, while the second paper looks at Bolshoi's predictions for the abundance and properties of galaxies. The researchers have found that the simulation correctly predicts the number of galaxies as bright as our own Milky Way that have satellite galaxies as bright as the Milky Way's major satellite galaxies, the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds. 
But this is just the tip of the iceberg: So far, less than 1 percent of the Bolshoi project's output has been released, Primack said. The Bolshoi simulation computes the evolution of a cubic volume measuring about a billion light-years on a side, following the interactions of 8.6 billion particles of dark matter. A variant of the simulation, called BigBolshoi or MultiDark, was run with the same number of particles in a volume 64 times larger. Another variant called MiniBolshoi is currently being run on Pleiades. It focuses on a smaller portion of the universe with higher resolution. 
This all sounds pretty deep, but fortunately, the Bolshoi team has produced plenty of beautiful videos and illustrations that will delight even those who can't tell a baryon from a meson. For still more background about Bolshoi, check out the news releases from New Mexico State University, Ames Research Center and the High-Performance Astrocomputing Center.
If you have interest in reading the whole article or visiting other cited articles, you can click on the title link highlighted, above, or this one to the article: